
Initial Evaluation

Each evaluation will be completed based on a developmental, neurological, and functional perspective. Some of the reasons kids come to kidsView include sensory processing difficulties, emotion dysregulation, reading and writing difficulties, struggles with focus and attention, muscle weakness, coordination, self care tasks, social interaction skill development, and behavior management.

Currently, kidsView is able to offer a full evaluation with recommendations for continued success while on a waitlist for OT services or if you need help. While treatment is not provided by kidsView, parents and other caregivers involved in the child’s life can proceed with OT guidance and a plan for success.  

 *kidsView does not accept insurance of any kind but will provide a superbill for all services. Payment accepted via cash, card, or check. 

  • Eval includes a 90 minute assessment with therapist, child & caregiver followed by a full write up of findings and recommendations.
  • Goals determined in conjuction with caregivers
  • Ages 0-18

$325 minimum of 90 minute one on one assessement, parent training, and full write up. Recommendations will be given for home and school success. Location either child’s home or kidsView clinic.


Treatment Sessions 

*Currently full

Individual treatment sessions occur either in the child’s home, at the kidsView clinic, and/or at our horse farm in Auburn for  hippotherapy sessions. kidsView clinic offers a lake for swimming or boating, farm animals to interact with, and multiple climbing structures.

The primary setting for treatments is outdoors where children are encouraged to explore, play, and challenge themselves while also having fun. kidsView values outdoor play for all kids of all ages as nature nurtures child development. Quite often, kids go home dirty and exhausted but content and regulated so come dressed for messy! Home programs and parent training is offered as a part of every session to allow goals to be achieved faster.


Frequency and duration of treatments, as well as location of sessions, is determined with caregivers and child based on needs, availability, and financial capabilities.


$135 per session, length anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on needs

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