Sign Language Skills

Imagine being hungry but having no way to convey that sensation to others or the ability to get food yourself. Picture your intestines filling up with trapped gas but unable to tell anyone about your pain and helpless to do anything about it. Try telling someone that...

More Than Just Glasses

Your child may need more than just a pair of glasses to see clearly. The visual system seems so simple yet behind those lenses lies a very complex network of cause and effect systems, all communicating with each other all about the information presented before those...

Balancing Out The Vestibular System

The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain that help control balance and eye movements. Maintaining balance depends on information received by the brain from these three sources: eyes, muscles and joints, and the inner ear. The eyes tell you...

The Purpose Of Proprioception

Proprioception describes the ability to know where all of your body parts are in the space around you without having to look at those body parts. When you have a well-functioning proprioceptive system, you are able to move quickly and freely without having to...

About Me

Originally an East Coaster, I was born and raised in upstate NY. My mother is also an occupational therapist so OT has always been a part of my life. As a child growing up in the outskirts of Syracuse, surrounded by rolling hills and farmland, my appreciation for...

About kidsView

SEE THE WORLD THROUGH YOUR CHILD’S EYES kidsViewOT is here to make caregivers’ lives easier by fostering a rewarding relationship between a child and their loved ones. The goal is to help children live a more connected life, socially, physically, and...

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